Michelle Suzanne Artworks

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A Scrappy Collaboration

A couple of years ago, I participated in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge hosted by So Scrappy. I had a lot of fun making the blocks. But when it came time to put them together, my shoulders, which have been adversely affected by an autoimmune disease, just couldn’t deal with the extra weight of the strips (much less a whole top.) Honestly, I was kind of bummed about it.

But instead of shoving the blocks back in the closet, I reached out to a fellow quilter, Brenda, who creates quilts for charities. I asked if she wanted the RSC blocks (along with others I had lying around). She did!

Last week she contacted me to share the two quilts she created from my rainbow scrap blocks.

I am ecstatic! It’s so nice to see these blocks being put to good use. Brenda did such an amazing job!

These two quilts will go to the VA Outpatient Center. What a worthy cause. Thanks so much, Brenda!

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